The basis for the establishment of WNYLRC committees is found in the WNYLRC Bylaws. The WNYLRC Board of Trustees assigns the charge to each committee. There are WNYLRC Board of Trustees Committees, WNYLRC Standing Committees, Discussion Groups, and Special (Ad Hoc) task groups. Excepting the Executive Committee, the relationship of committees to the Board of Trustees is advisory in nature.
The Executive Committee of the WNYLRC Board of Trustees is responsible for creating standing committees and appointing to the standing committees individuals from member institutions. The WNYLRC Executive Director and the WNYLRC Board President serve Ex officio on all WNYLRC standing committees.
Standing Committees
Select a committee to view the committee's scope, charge, and current members. Each committee adheres to the Standing Committee Guidelines.
Committee for Health Information Access (CHIA)
Continuing Education Committee (CE)
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Committee (EDIAr)
High School to College Committee (HS2CC)
Library Education, Advancement, and Partnership Committee (LEAP)
Preservation Committee
Resource Sharing Committee (RSC)
Western New York Library Support Staff (WNYLSS)
Discussion Groups
Discussion groups, although not formally established WNYLRC committees, provide the opportunity for individuals from WNYLRC member institutions to discuss issues pertinent to a specific audience with similar interests such as the WNY Reference Services Forum. These discussion groups use the WNYLib-l listserv to post meeting dates and/or topics of discussion and if needed can utilize WNYLRC meeting space to hold events. Some committees, such as the two listed below, are similar to discussion groups but are coordinated through WNYLRC staff and have official meeting minutes and agendas.
Academic Library Directors Caucus
- WNYLRC’s Academic Library Directors Caucus was formed over 10 years ago. Members of the Caucus are the library directors of college and university libraries located in WNYLRC’s service area of the six counties of Western New York. Institutions represented include public and private colleges and universities as well as community colleges. Although the Caucus has no formal charge, its purpose is to share information about campus library activities and to discuss current issues and trends facing library and information resources and services in higher education. The Caucus meets once per year – either Fall or Spring depending upon scheduling. If you want to join the Academic Libraries Director's Group, contact Sheryl Knab.
Committee Chairperson's Committee
- The Committee Chairs Committee provides all organizational standing committees a forum for open discussion and expression of ideas to facilitate sharing and collaboration among standing committees.
Committee Chairpersons Meeting Minutes
- Fall 2023 Minutes - pending approval
- Spring 2023
- Fall 2022
- Spring 2022
- Fall 2021