Archival and Preservation Services

Ask the Archivist

WNYLRC offers access to a statewide service from the Empire State Library Network, now available to all WNYLRC members calledĀ Ask the Archivist. This is a one-year pilot, and ESLN will evaluate its effectiveness at the end of the first year.

This service is available to WNYLRC members, answering basic questions regarding managing their archives and special collections. This service is staffed by archivists at several Councils, including WNYLRC. The staff will provide advice, referrals, and guidance to colleagues on all aspects of archival work, such as creating policies and strategic plans, collections processing, preservation, reference, acquisition, appraisal, and digital projects. We invite all your questions on archives and special collections, big or small. Questions can be submitted through anĀ online form.

Assessment Services

WNYLRC also offers assessments to address management concerns for member collections, including collections care and administration concerns, storage and holding areas, assistance locating grant funding, and opportunities to join preservation initiatives. Assessments are available on a limited basis and include a physical on-site evaluation, a written report, and advice on how best to represent the member organization and its holdings. Please get in touch with Heidi Ziemer to schedule an assessment of your archives (facility, collections, policies).